Exploiting atoms for simultaneous signal and image compression and denoising

Atomic approximation can be exploited for the simultaneous compression and denoising of images by stressing its intra scale property. The core of WISDOW-Comp (Wavelet based Image and Signal Denoising via Overlapping Waves—Compression) consists of recovering wavelet details, i.e. atoms, by exploiting wavelet low frequency information. Therefore, just the critically sampled approximation band and significance map of atoms absolute maxima have to be encoded and sent to the decoder for recovering a cleaner as well as compressed version of the image under study. Experimental results show that WISDOW-Comp outperforms the state of the art of compression based denoisers in terms of both rate and distortion.

Slides of WISDOW-Comp


  1. V. Bruni, D. Vitulano, Wavelet Atoms Approximation for Simultane- ous Image Compression and Denoising, in Proceedings of IEEE Inter- national Conference on Image Processing 2005 (ICIP 05), pp. 105-110.

  2. V. Bruni, D. Vitulano, Combined Image Compression and Denoising using Wavelets, Signal Processing: Image Communication, Elsevier Science, Vol. 22, Issue 1, pp. 86-101, January 2007.